Get To Know Jenni

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Hello and welcome! As Registered Nurse my passion has always been in supporting and educating my patients to empower them. 

As the wife of a retired military service member, we have lived a little bit of everywhere. One thing I have learned over the years was it takes a village to raise a child and I built that wherever we lived. Let me be a part of your village.

I am a mother of five and Grammy of two new littles. It was when my daughter had her first baby that I realized the gap between hospital and home regarding education and support for new families. Because of this I decided to combine my passion for education and new families to provide what is missing. 

I have added Women’s Health services focused on perimenopause & menopause. In my search for information on these for myself I found another gap that I want to fill for other women like me. 

As a private practice registered nurse my goal is to guide women and families through every stage of their journey by providing evidence-informed education infused with non-judgmental support, compassion, and empathy.

I will do this using my nursing assessment skills to build a plan together with you that works for your unique journey. I offer virtual, in-home, and group classes for you to choose what works best for you at this season of your life. 

I look forward to working with you and your family to help build your village and with women to navigate your journey.

The Mama Coach Mission Statement

To guide women and families through every stage of their journey by providing evidence-informed education infused with non-judgmental support, compassion, and empathy. 

our vision




Our job as healthcare professionals is to listen to your priorities and goals as our client.  We will walk beside you and share in your challenges and your triumphs, and we promise to support you with empathy, compassion, and respect.


As you move through your journey, certain stages can feel overwhelming at times. We value creating a shared community, online and in our cities, where you are always welcome.

Diversity & Inclusion

We support all families — as we believe every family is completely unique and deserves access to quality support.  We support all women.  We will continue to learn and listen, ensuring our brand is thoughtful as well as inclusive.


You can expect us to provide you with evidence-informed information in a professional manner.  As healthcare professionals, we will treat you as unique, provide individual assessments, and determine the best plan of care to meet your educational needs.

frequently asked questions

Good question!  We are called The Mama Coach because years ago, when Carrie’s first boy was very small, she often wondered out loud to herself, “Where is my Mama Coach?” and “I need a Mama Coach!”.  Carrie searched and searched for the kind of support she was looking for, and realized there was a need for qualified support for new families.  Now that Carrie is going through her own journey into perimenopause, she has realized yet again the lack of qualified support for women and has set out to change that by launching a Women’s Health division within The Mama Coach brand. 

We recognize our name may give the impression we only serve moms; however, we will continue to work and learn to ensure our messaging is clear – all people are welcome here.  Women carry a heavy load and they do it with grace.   All people deserve support, and The Mama Coach is the answer you’ve been searching for.

We do not just support moms; our Women’s Health division will help ALL folks.  Everyone is welcome here and we are committed to providing you with quality support, no matter your sex assigned at birth, your current identified gender, and whether you have had children or not.  We are ready to hear your story and will ask and use the language you feel most comfortable with during our assessment and consultation.

I get asked this one all the time.  As a Registered Nurse, having merely one method does not align with how I was trained in College to utilize the nursing process.

The Nursing Process is defined as, a “systematic approach to care using the fundamental principles of critical thinking, client-centered approaches to treatment, goal-oriented tasks, evidence-based practice (EDP) recommendations, and nursing intuition.  Holistic and scientific postulates are integrated to provide the basis for compassionate, quality-based care” (*1).  

Simply put, I will assess your child using my nursing training to determine the best way to help your family reach their goals, walking beside you all the way.  You can choose me with confidence, knowing you have picked the most qualified resource to support your family’s journey.

*1 – (Toney-Butler TJ, Thayer JM. Nursing Process. [Updated 2020 Jul 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from:

Yes.  As a Registered Nurse, I have years of training on where to access credible guidelines and information. All of my programming is based on extensive research from credible sources.

As a Registered Nurse, it is my professional obligation to manage client records and confidential information properly.  I use an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) that is compliant throughout North America that is private and secure. I do not share EMR or client information with other healthcare providers without your consent.

Often they are — the answer largely depends on where you live and what your private insurance covers.  For example, in the United States our services can be covered, through HSA or FSAs.  Reach out to me for more information.